Saturday 23 March 2013

All about our hero...

Lim Bo Seng

Who is Lim Bo Seng?

Lim Bo Seng memorial history Singapore

Name: Lim Bo Seng

Born on: 27 April 1909

Country of origin: Nan'an, Fujian, China.

Country of migration: Malaya

Initially raised as a Taoist, Lim Bo Seng converted to Christianity after receiving strong European influence.

- In the year 1917, when he was 16, he went to study in the Raffles Institution of Singapore under the British colonial government.
- Lim Bo Seng then proceed on to further his studies later in the University of Hong Kong.

Love Life:
- In 1930, Lim Bo Seng married Gan Choo Neo who is a Nonya woman in the Lim Clan association hall of Singapore.
They had seven children.

Occupation: Businessman who owned a biscuit and brick manufacturing factory.

What did Lim Bo Seng do?

  1. Lim Bo Seng is a national hero in Singapore for his resistance to Japanese forces during World War II. Lim led efforts to raise funds to help China fight Japanese invasion in the late 1930s.
  2. When the Japanese captured Singapore, Lim escaped to India and joined Force 136, a group of resistance fighters organized by the British.
  3. He was captured after infiltrating Japanese territory in 1944; despite punishment and torture, he still refused to reveal the names of other resistance fighters.
  4. He died in captivity, becoming a martyr to the cause of Singapore.

What was Lim Bo Seng's role during the war?

  1. planned operations of Force 136
  2. in charge of organising a group of volunteers, Force 136, to resist the Japanese, who were advancing towards Southeast Asia.

Force 136

  1. Force 136 was a British-led underground resistance group that operated in Malaya during World War II.
  2. There were about 50 members in the group which performed acts of sabotage and espionage against the Japanese.
  3. Force 136 was disband after World War II ended, but tales of its members' heroic acts and bravery are legendary, still live on till this day.
  4. Lim Bo Seng, was one of the leaders of Force 136.

Why did the Japanese wanted to capture Lim Bo Seng?

  1. Lim Bo Seng rebelled the Japanese.
  2. The Japanese tried to force Lim Bo Seng to cooperate with them but, he refused.
  3. The Japanese even got Lim Bo Seng's friends in Singapore to come over to persuade him, but once again, he was not moved and refused.
  4. Instead, he told all his comrades to remain firm and do not surrender to the Japanese.
  5. He got betrayed and captured, a day after, Mr Tan Chong Tee, himself was caught by the Japanese.

How did Lim Bo Seng get captured by the Japanese?

  1. He got ratted out by his friend, Mr Tan Chong Tee, as he was captured by the Japanese.
  2. He was captured when he was stopped at a checkpoint at Gopeng and arrested.
  3. Lim Bo Seng ignored all earlier warnings and pleas from his comrades about the harm of that mission, which was to revamp the entire intelligence network and raise funds from his friends who are rich in wealth.

After being captured...

  • He was brought to Batu Gajah Prison, he was subjected to non-stop interrogations and torture by the not popular Kempeitai.
  • Lim Bo Seng was already sick in health, having just gone for a haemorrhoids operation in India before arriving in Malaya.
  • To make matters worse, he suffered from dysentary. Finally, on 29th June 1944, he succumbed under the painful suffering and passed away.
  • He died to protect the identity of the ones whom are fightingthe Japanese.

What was Lim Bo Seng's contribution during the war?

  1. raised funds for boycotting
  2. resisting Japanese invasion.

Personal Thoughts...

A hero possesses many qualities. Lim Bo Seng, a hero from Singapore, possesses qualities such as reliable, caring, and fearless. Reliable is a good quality to describe Lim Bo Seng because he was trusted not to tell the names of any of the people fighting. He showed caring because he chose to fight in World War II for his country. He was fearless because he kept trying to help his country no matter what got in his way.

Fearless as a lion, reliable as our parents, strong as titanium. With his braver, his perseverance and his love for Singapore, Lim Bo Seng definitely deserves our respect. How many of us will give up our lives for our country? How many will die for their friends, comrades and country? How many I really wonder? The Singapore we are today, have to be a blessing and a final gift from our war heroes. Future generations needs to know who shaped the way Singapore is today, how blessed we are, how lucky and proud we are, to have brave people like Lim Bo Seng, Elizabeth Choy, Lt Adnan bin Saidi, Tan Chong Tee, Halford Boudewyn to be Singapore's heroes.
In conclusion, heroes are people or animals that accomplish great deeds. They take a risk to help a person succeed. Lim Bo Seng is a hero from Singapore for surviving World War II. Now he is known as a great hero in Singapore for giving his life in World War II for his comrades and his friends.

farewell and rest in peace, our hero.


  1. you sure he got ratted out by Tan Chong Tee?
    I think many people suspected it was Lai Teck that betray him.

  2. I think you got it wrong.
    Many say its Lai Teck.
